
Sunday, April 11, 2010

God's love!

I know I haven’t updated my blog in awhile and will get to the updates about what I’ve been up to in a bit, but first I just have to say what’s on my heart. I am so overwhelmed by God’s blessings and love right now. I don’t even know what to do. I don’t deserve anything, and God keeps pouring blessing upon blessing down into my life. I wish I could explain this feeling better. God loves his children so much!!!! Have you ever thought about how much God loves you? I mean really sat down and thought about it? If you haven’t, do it. Start with the fact that He sent his son to die for us on the cross that we might have eternal life. “For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. He loves you and me that much! Then think about who God is and the eternal blessings that He gives us like peace, forgiveness, grace, mercy, joy, and love. These things that never run out, that God constantly is pouring down into our lives, which last forever. God could stop there and it would be enough. Doesn’t that blow you away?

If your socks aren’t knocked off yet, think about what God has given you today. Are you breathing? Can you walk? Did you eat and drink today? Did you sleep last night? Do you have a family and friends? Did you hear I love you lately? I mean, I could go on forever with the little things that God has blessed us with that I can often take for granted. Go bigger picture, what has God given you in the past month, 6 months,1 year, 5 years. How have you seen God move in your life and in the lives of others? Are you blown away yet?! Seriously, God is so real and alive and full of love! Can you feel it yet?! God’s love is so unfathomable!

I know that God has blessed me in incredible ways. Since coming abroad, He has given me new experience after new experience. He’s shown me His beauty in four different countries, in countless ways each day, and in new people I continue to meet. I am so blessed to be here in Sevilla, to see God at work here and elsewhere in Europe, to have so many opportunities to travel, to have worship and fellowship, to realize my family and friend’s love for me from home, to make new friends, to strengthen old relationships. I don’t deserve any of it. All I can do is offer my life to God, to obey Him, to allow Him to work in and through me, to strive to glorify Him in all that I do. I had some apprehension about coming to Spain and not knowing what it would be like, but God has shown me what He can do when I trust Him with every moment and decision of my life. His love is just so incredible!

My intention in writing this is not to brag about how God has blessed me. Instead, I pray that reading this would help you also realize how God has blessed you, that you would feel His all-encompassing love around you. That you would seek to glorify God, trust Him, let Him lead your life, allow Him to show you His love and goodness and pour out His heavenly storehouses of blessings on your life.

“… My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:5&6 (NLT)

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