Thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragement. I am amazed by the team that God has brought together for His work in Spain. I feel so blessed to be able to do His work with you!

These past couple weeks have been a roller coaster ride for me. I have hit high highs in joy and have gone to low lows in tears. There have been a lot of changes from not being able to go to training - to getting more time with family and friends - to actually being able to register for training - to losing that time with family and friends - to waiting upon clearance for training.
Currently, I’m pre-registered for training in January BUT I cannot and will not go to training if I don’t have 75% of my monthly support. I also cannot go if the JAARS training program doesn’t have a spot for me. The person in charge of registration is out of the country until Dec. 4th - more waiting. (God sure is teaching me to be patient and trust Him!) Please join me in prayer that everything will come together for training in January if it be God’s will.
As far as current support goes, I have 69% monthly support. Please pray with me that God would continue to release His heaven stores and provide what is needed. I have the opportunity to share with some local churches in the upcoming weeks about God’s work in Spain and invite others to join in it. Please pray that people’s hearts would be stirred and that they would follow through with making commitments to be part of what God is doing in Spain. God has already provided over 100% of outgoing costs! We can surely trust in His provision for what we need. Praise God!
We hope and pray that I can attend training Jan. 21-Feb. 21, leave for Spain in March, attend language school March-May, help with the internship and basketball camp over the summer, and be in Cáceres to start the school year in September. However, this is the goal. We ultimately trust in God's timing. I am eager to join in the work in Spain and believe that this is what God has equipped me to do. While it is hard to think about leaving, I am confident God has prepared me to join Him in Spain - and that is exciting!
Thank you so much for joining in the work that God is doing in Spain! We could not do this without each other, and I feel so blessed to be able to join with you in this work. Thank you for following God’s leading to take part prayerfully and/or financially. YOU are making an eternal difference! Thank you!
With love,
Spain Internship Summer 2014
World Team Spain is hosting another internship program similar to the one I did 3 1/2 years ago!
WHERE: Madrid, Cáceres, Ligonde, SPAIN
COST: $4,041
Christians with an interest in cross-cultural ministry who have completed at least one year of post-high school studies. Candidates should also posses qualities such as flexibility, humility and a willingness to serve rather than be served.
How to Apply
Contact us to let us know of your interest. A World Team mobilizer will help answer your questions and guide you through the application process.
E-mail me to learn more.