Julia, Johan, Cesar, & Hannah |
I spent the morning talking with Heidi Schmidt and getting to know her and her family more. Then we went to the market and stood by a table where they rent books to people for free. They've been doing it every week as a way to connect with people but haven't had much feedback from it. One lady did stop by who knew Heidi and Julia and told them she had questions about the Holy Spirit as she didn't think the Holy Spirit was a separate entity but rather a force/strength within her. They made plans to meet this weekend and see what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit. After the book table, I went with Heidi to pick up her kids, Brian & Cecilia, from school. Many parents were waiting outside the school, and I can see how you could possibly begin relationships talking with other parents there. We had lunch at Cesar and Julia's house where I got to know them better. Cesar is originally from Colombia, and Julia is from Germany. They both accepted Christ in Spain and then went to seminary in Madrid, where they met. They have two kids Johan (3) and Hannah (1 1/2). Cesar said he is praying for me to be on their team and was trying to convince me to join them. He said they need someone young to reach the youth and that I could teach English, coach basketball, be close to Madrid and host people flying in and out, which I thought would be nice to involve you (my home team) in visits and serving in Spain and possibly in intercambio relationships with the Spanish families. After lunch, I got to go to the dentist with Cesar's family, and then he took me to Madrid to take the bus to Salamanca.
Salamanca is where I will most likely study Spanish for the first 6 months that I'm here. Kristen Bond, a full-time staff member with World Team, began her service here in Spain 3 months ago and has been studying here in Salamanca. It's been fun to get to know her, and I'm looking forward to getting to know her more tomorrow and seeing more of the city. When Kristen finishes her studies in Salamanca, she will join the team in Caceres and focus on a university ministry. It's possible that we will be future teammates in that ministry if God leads me to serve in Caceres.