I got an update this week that all of my support came in for the internship! I am fully funded. Praise God! Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! I am so blessed to have such loving people supporting me. It’s overwhelming! My words cannot describe how thankful I am.
I got a package from my Grandma T last week! Kelsey (my roommate) told me she signed a package for me that was pretty heavy when we were in History class. I wanted to leave right then to see who it was from and what it was. I opened it right after lunch. It was fi
I also got a package from Carrie today! It had a cute little journal, travel bag, rolling pin and stickers to remind me of my love of baking, flashcards for teaching, a sucker and my favorite candy..Reese’s eggs..yum! I was so surprised and feel so loved! I am so blessed to have her in my life and the friendship we have!
God just keeps pouring blessing after blessing into my life. I don't know why and I'm not going to try to figure it out. All I can do is praise Him and thank Him!
Last week, I saw Carmen, Lucia, and Cristobal when I was in the park running. I stopped to say hello and she said Lucia would be my only student for the day because the other boys were in the Sierra Navadas. I asked Lucia if she wanted to go to the grocery store to learn food words since she would be my only student when I got to there house, and she said yes and ran to ask her mom. I was afraid her mom might say no. I didn't know if she trusted me enough to let me take her 7 year-old outside the house, but she said yes and how lucky Lucia was. Lucia was beaming and so excited. It was a lot of fun!! She is the sweetest thing. We picked out a yogurt and chocolate crunch treat when we were done and went to her house. I had brought a bag of Starburst jelly beans that my grandma had sent me to give to their family. The boys were home and everyone loved them! I told them sometimes my friends and I try to guess what color we eat, and they liked that game. It was fun watching them play. They didn't have a formal dinner because the boys weren't hungry. Carmen invited me to stay and watch the soccer game and practice my Spanish with them. It was a lot of fun. Carmen asked me a lot of questions and really seems interested in who I am. I loved being able to talk with her and experience more of their regular lifestyle. I already love them and have a soft spot in my heart for Lucia, Carmen, and Manuel. I'm excited to grow closer to them and see what God has in store for this summer. I'm praying that God uses me in their lives.
Here’s a little blurb about my incredible weekend that was filled with fun and laughter in Paris:
We got to our hostel on Thursday night and that was all we did. It took quite awhile to get there. It was not that great of a place, but not awful either. We couldn't help but laugh at it. I’m thankful that Heather booked it for us though. So nice to have a place to stay!
Friday we went to the tourist office in the morning to get maps and information. We circled the places we wanted to see and bought out 3 day transportation passes for the weekend. First stop..Eiffel Tower. I took a digger and fell flat on my face in front of it. I was taking a picture and ran to ca
tch up and tripped on a rock in the process..haha. I wish it were on tape so I could see how silly I looked. Anywho, it was really incredible. It seemed so surreal. It hasn't really hit me that I went there. We climbed the stairs to the top and had an incredible view of the city. Wow! Then we got lunch and headed to the Arc de Triomph which was really cool and much bigger than I realized. We walked down the busy shopping street and saw the Grand Palace and National Army Museum. There were really cool looking trees there that seemed to be begging to be played in. I continued my kid day and ran by them : ) We walked back towards the Eiffel Tower and bought ice cream for dinner and watched the light show on the Eiffel Tower and sat there for 2 hours or so. Then we went home to our lovely hostel.
Saturday we made French toast for breakfast! I loved it!!!! More cooking : ) Th
en we went to Notre Dame and the Louvre which was cool to see Mona Lisa but I'm just not that interested in art. I feel bad that I don't have a deeper appreciation for it, but I just get bored. We walked around and then went to the grocery store and bought stuff to make dinner. It was a lot of fun! I loved picking out the groceries and cooking it. I love to cook! I hope that joy continues when I have to do it all the time. Then we headed out to the Arc de Triomph to go up it at night to see the city lit up. It was raining but still cool to see it. We walked around on the busy street again and bought fries and ice cream from McDonald's to have 'French' fries...haha.
Sunday we went to this old church that I forget the name of, which was really beautiful. Then Cole and I split to meet Diddy. We had lunch with him and his wife, Heidi at their apartment. It was reall
y great. They were so good to us. Diddy has a good sense of humor and Heidi is the sweetest thing. They showed us around their neighborhood after lunch. I got to talk to Heidi about ministry and she asked if I could see myself coming back. She studied abroad in France in college so we had some things in common. I really liked talking to her. Then Cole and I had an hour or so before we had to meet the girls. We walked around and just stumbled across some neat sites and a market. We met the girls and went to get crepes at a little restaurant, which was really cute and had good food too : ) Then we went to get food for dinner and had pasta in the hostel. We went back out at night towards the Eiffel Tower. Cole and I wanted to spend some time together and the girls went to get dessert. Cole and I sat in front of the Eiffel Tower and watched the light show again that happens every hour. It was really great! It still all seems so surreal to me. The 4 of us had fun on the metro to the Tower and on the way home too. It was a great last night in Paris.
We made it home around 2:25 on Monday and Kate and I raced home to get our school stuff and grab a sandwich before rushing to class at 3:00.
I’m still in disbelief that I was really there. I feel so incredibly blessed. God keeps pouring out blessing after blessing. Praise Him!
I’m still in disbelief that I was really there. I feel so incredibly blessed. God keeps pouring out blessing after blessing. Praise Him!
At Encuentro we sang a song called ‘Our Savior Lives’ by New Life Worship. I can’t stop listening to it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZWQBdcQSQ8&feature=related
I had the start of midterms this week. It was pretty overwhelming after not studying the weekend before because of Paris, but God got me through and now I’m looking forward to welcoming my parents to Sevilla!
I'm so excited to see my parents today and can hardly focus on anything! Carmen, the mother of the family I teach for, invited me and my parents to have lunch with them today at 3. I was so excited to have that opportunity! It was be such a good experience for my parents to have a real Spanish meal and see what my life with them is like and know who will be my family for 10 days this summer. It's not working out though. My parents were supposed to arrive in Madrid at 7:45, then it got delayed to 9:15, and then to 10:00am. I was hoping they'd still make the 12:00 train, but there weren't any open trains until 7:00 tonight so they won't be here until 9:35pm. It stinks that it doesn't work out for lunch, but everything happens for a reason. I'm praying that it still works out for them to meet the family and also Concha and Nacho. Carmen's family is going to their country home, Nacho is leaving tomorrow and Concha said she might not be home so I hope it all still comes together somehow. I’m so thankful that my parents are coming! What a blessing to be able to have time with them and show them my life here! We’ll be in Sevilla until Monday and then flight to Italy until Friday. They’ll fly out of Madrid on Saturday morning, and I’m going to stay with Carmen for a day or so.